News & Updates
Rain, rain go away
Rain, rain go away
Meet The Maker : Hey Laidy
It's time to say hello and meet the creative force behind Hey Laidy!
Polly's Farm November Giveaway!
Ekkk, see our socials for how to win this awesome giveaway!
News & Updates
See you #underthestringybarks on Nov 18!
It's our fav time of year!
Meet the Maker : Polly's Farm
We are so excited to introduce you to Kimberley from the beautiful Polly's Farm!
Shop Small & Love Local
It's time to shop small and love local.
Lovely things are coming...
The EPM re-opens on October 21!
News & Updates
A special edition of The EPM
With the cancellation of the November EPM we have curated some of the best specials and cool stuff to help support our struggling creatives...
News & Updates
November 19 EPM CANCELLED :(
November 19 EPM CANCELLED :(
News & Updates
Without the rain there are no rainbows xo
You can still support your local makers even when the market is cancelled!!
Meet The Maker : Folkstore
With the new season of the Untold Events Co markets about to begin it's time to meet & greet some of our fav stallholders!
Into The Wilderness
Have you heard there is a mini pop up EPM at Into The Wilderness on April 30!!!
March Market
Marvellous March market Saturday 19th March!
Fab Feb Market!
See you under the stringybarks on Feb 19!
Meet The Maker : Eva In Stitches
Hi Eva, it's nice to meet you!
Shop Small & Love Local
It's time to shop small and love local.
Hastings Foreshore Festival
The Hastings Foreshore Festival on Australia Day is an awesome one day event filled to the brim with FREE family-fun!