Tell us about yourself and what you do at the EPM...
I paint and create to bring joy, laughter and smiles to those who see my work. I make Art Prints, Greeting Cards, Character Cushions and Pencil cases from my original illustrations. I hope when people step into my stall at EPM they step into an innocent and lighthearted little world. I live in the north east of Melbourne with my husband and two kids and a veritable zoo of pets! We are a stones through from the bush and LOTS of kangaroos.
When did you know you wanted to lead a creative life?
I have been creating things my whole life, I remember making clothes for my Sylvanina Families out of scrapes from wedding dresses (my mum was a dress maker). I made tiny dollhouse food and sold it in a local shop at age 13, and went on to study Gold & Silversmithing, which is actually where I learnt my love for Illustration.
What inspires you?
My children and pets are a great deal of inspiration to me, but I also draw inspiration from vintage magazines and collectables. I have rather an addiction to tiny figurines.
Describe your perfect day...
My ideal day would be a home day, easy morning, good coffee, good book, and then sitting down to paint with sleepy dogs in front of the heater, bunny hopping around, and kids enjoying playing preferably quietly, haha.
What is your best ever creative moment?
Hmmmmm, that is a really challenging question. Perhaps it is the moment I decided I really would write that childrens story; and I actually did! Now to illustrate it!
What's the scariest movie you have ever seen?
The scariest Movie I've ever seen was actually a really old movie called Kings Row, when I was about 15. Im not sure what scared me the most about it, there was something really creepy going on, and someone lost a leg. It probably isn't nearly as scary as I remember, my imagination tends to go a bit wild.
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
To be humble enough to take on board good constructive advice, and let the rest wash over you.
What's your favourite tunes to get you in a creative mood?
I play a real mess of differentе of music, from Priscilla Ahn, and Katie Melua through to Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and The Madden Bros, you can throw a bit of Tchaikovsky and The Beatles in there too!
What do you love most about the EPM?
The amazing atmosphere, and the great selection craftspeople. It really does provide such a diverse range of products and produce, I love the locally made foods and the mix of handmade and vintage stalls. I think being outdoor puts people in a really happy mood; customers and stall holders alike.
Where do you see your business in 5 years time?
To be honest I don't often look that far ahead and spend most of the time imagining my next artwork, but in five years time, I would love to have my own studio, that would really be a dream come true!