For our very first Meet the Maker post we are going to introduce you to the wonderful world of Scruffy Cousin! A gorgeous mix of vintage charm and funkiness, creator Ange Carter's love of handmade in so strongly evident in every single one of her beautiful pieces.Sit back, relax and grab yourself a sweet treat (or two!!) and enjoy....
Tell us about yourself and what you create...
I live in Mount Martha with my husband & 3 young boys. I work from home in my studio and I love to create bags & purses (& sometimes cushions) using a mix of re-cycled vintage fabrics. The bright, floral patterns of the 60's & 70's are my favourite (think Grandma's sheets & vintage curtains) I also do a more contemporary range of bags, using modern fabrics.
When did you know you first wanted to be a designer?
I'd been working as a Registered Nurse for almost 20 years, and my creative side was wanting to break free. I loved going to markets and I dreamed of one day having my own label & my own stall. Small problem being, I could barely sew a button. After having my first son, I took myself off to sewing classes and practiced, a lot! I was 35, so it's never too late to learn.
What inspires you to be creative?
I love fabrics & I love creating something from scratch. I particularly love scouring op shops for those special one off finds. Inspiration often comes from books or magazine Tif Fussell, aka, Dottie Angel, who co-authored 'Granny Chic' does amazing things with anything vintage - I love her work.
Describe your perfect day...
I love Market Days. The atmosphere, being surrounded by like-minded crafty souls & exchanging ideas, chatting with customersеКand just soaking in the beautiful surrounds. My 3 boys love coming with me now (I think largely for the delicious food on offer from neighbouring stall holders) I set them up a cosy little cubby in the back of the van draped in floral, vintage sheets (they don't seem to mind for now) and they always manage to attract an admiring crowd.
What is your best ever creative moment?
Setting up my very first market stall was pretty exciting & nerve-wracking at the same time (what if no-one likes my stuff) I remember being pretty chuffed that people were actually willing to pay money for something I had made; something that I had so much fun creating.
Describe a lesson you learnt from creative failure...
I remember once running out of the fabric I was using to line some bags. I decided to use some left-over fabric which I would never normally have chosen. It looked fantastic and I ended up doing a whole run of bags using that same fabric combination. You often stumble across new ideas when trying to improvise or fix a so-called mistake.
What's the scariest movie you have ever seen?
'Life of Pi' (probably because I wasn't expecting to be scared) - the special effects were amazing.
What's your favourite childhood book?
I had a set of old Ladybird fairytale books - probably those They re-published them recently so I bought them for my kids, although I wish now I had kept the originals.
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
In relation to my business - my friend Penny told me I should buy an industrial sewing machine. I bought an old industrial Singer on eBay I absolutely love it! It's really fast and I can churn out lots and lots of bags in one sitting.
What's your favourite tunes to get you in the creative mood?
Kate Miller-Heidke - her new album, 'O Vertigo' has been thrashed to the point where my kids now know the words. I've also just started listening toе Кlatin styleеКjazz - it puts me in an upbeat mood.
Thanks so much Ange for letting us have a window in on your market life - what a fantastic insight! Stay tuned EPM friends for more Meet The Makers over the coming weeks! xo
Connect with Scruffy Cousin today...
PLUS!!!! If you love Ange's creations head on over to the EPM facebook page for an amazing giveaway being launched tomorrow - a gorgeous one of a kind, made with 'LOVE' bag - THE perfect market bag for the up and coming EPM season!! xo