Welcome to our very first Meet The Maker of season 5! As the sun starts to show itself again we just can't wait to be back under the stringybarks! Red Hill Roast has supported the market from the very beginning so it's only fitting for them to be featured as our first MTM for this season! We know you love their coffee and now you can find out a little more about them from behind the scenes...
Tell us about yourself and what you do at the EPM..
I am the owner of Red Hill Roast and I roast/supply coffee to a number of businesses on the Mornington Peninsula. I also supply coffee carts to events like Emu Plains Market.
When did you first know you were an amazing barista?
To be honest it is a fairly steep learning curve. I came from the days of instant coffee as a shift worker and over the years came to love quality coffee as the industry evolved in Melbourne. Being a roaster and supplier it certainly helps become a better barista. I love working at events where people expect speed, quality and a friendly chat.
What inspires you to be creative?
People and their ever growing knowledge of coffee drive our need to be creative. To stay on top of the game you need to listen to customers and provide whatever is possible to make their day better and or the business thrive.
Describe your perfect day...
My perfect day does not involve work funny enough. I love riding my motorbike, snowboarding and spending time at home just generally doing family stuff.
What is your best ever creative cooking moment?
Roasting 6 different single origin coffees for one customer.
What's the scariest movie you have ever seen?
I have 3 teenage girls so I would have to say..."Bring it On" :)
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
A mate once told me ..."Don't sweat the small stuff and don't eat anything bigger than your head"
What's your favourite tunes to get you in a creative mood?
Really enjoying Amy Winehouse, Corrine Bailey Rae and also Hall and Oats (from my high school years)
What do you love most about the EPM?
The location, music and relaxed atmosphere!
Where do you see your business in 5 years time?
We would love to continue doing markets and events and also support more local businesses/cafe/restaurants with coffee. We are focussed on providing a cracking product and great service to local people who are easy to work with. If anyone is reading this who owns a cafe or restaurant please give us a call and give "the other coffee guys" a go!
Connect with Red Hill Roast today!
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Red-Hill-Roast-345145155587960/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/redhillroast01/