Our freshest Meet the Maker is the lovely Alison from the kids designer label Milly & Mack. I am a HUGE fan of Alison's and my little girl Mabel absolutely lives in her clothes. Everywhere we go we get asked where we got her dress or pants or tops from and they are always from Milly & Mack! Her eclectic vintage style along side the easy to wear designs make them the perfect outfit for any occasion!
Tell us about yourself and what you create....
I live in Mount Martha with my husband Max (you will see him floating around EPM, he's a great support) I am a mum to 4 and grandma to 9.5(4 girls, 5 boys & we don't know what number 10 is) I work from home in my studio, really a spare bedroom. I create One of a Kind childrens clothing & accessories from mainly vintage fabrics. I also make cushions, soft toys and jewellery using vintage elements.
When did you know you first wanted to be a designer?
I don't know so much about wanting to be a designer, for me it's more about playing with fabrics. I wanted to head in a different direction & with my love of vintage fabrics making something for children was the way to go. Creating something that makes me happy.
What inspires you to be creative?
My love of vintage fabrics certainly gets the creative juices flowing. Selecting a fabric and then deciding what it will become is always fun. Having lots of kids in our family circle to bounce ideas off is fantastic. They quickly tell me what the mums and kids are looking for.
Describe your perfect day...
Having the free time to first cut out a creation & then sit and sew it is pretty near perfect. Then come Market day at Emu Plains, its just the best. The buzz at EPM is awesome, fantastic stallholders and customers, perfect setting.
What is your best ever creative moment?
Making that first sale at the first Emu Plains Market despite the horrendous weather people still came out. So scared that no one will like my creations, mind you it did cross my mind that if I didn't sell anything I wouldn't have to buy a birthday or Christmas present for any of the grandkids for a long, long time.
Describe a lesson you learnt from creative failure...
Don't stress because even if something is a failure you can pull it apart and make it into something else.
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
An oldie but a goodie, The Exorcist.
What's your favourite childhood book?
The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
You'll never know if you don't have a go.
What's your favourite tunes to get you in the creative mood? I usually have the radio tuned into Koffee. I find it to be the perfect in the background and not too distracting kind of music.
** Thanks so much Alison for giving us an insight into your creative world! If you haven't met Alison yet make sure you pop by and say hello - you won't be disappointed (especially since she is having a MASSIVE sale this Saturday - get in quick!!)
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