"Hi, my name is Lu, I am the creator at FLUX. I haven't been able to make up my mind on what medium I prefer to work with, so I have both jewellery and ceramics, and sometimes a small range of prints. I am inspired by the natural world around me and my pieces are earthy with a hint of outer space magic!
I love making pieces that are made to be kept, given as gifts of love, & passed down through generations. Each creation holds its own special magic & meaning.
My first stall at Emu Plains market was in 2017 & I've been blessed to be back every year since. We've also done a 2 seasons at Little Beauty & love it there just as much!!
Can't wait to see you all on market day! xx"
When did you first know you wanted to be creative?
Ever since I was little I have always made things & loved anything DIY! I can remember making little friendship bracelets and having my own stall in my bedroom. I'd ask my family choose their favourite colour string and make custom bracelets for them. Years later this memory came back to me when I was setting up for a market with all my handmade products, and I realised that over time the roots of what I enjoy hasn't really changed at all!
Describe your perfect day...
wake up. cuppa tea. walk in nature. little yoga stretch. burn some incense. tunes/ podcast on. tinker away in the studio. lots of snacks. do some gardening. plan a getaway. try a new recipe. watch the sun set & the moon rise. bath. read a good book or watch movie. snuggle up in bed
What is your best ever creative moment?
The first time I put together enough stock to have my own market stall was a pretty special moment.. and realising I can do this!
Describe a lesson you learnt from a creative failure...
I am constantly learning from my failures & mistakes!! For me it's the best way I can learn and grow!
What's the scariest movie you have ever seen?
Eeeep I watched The Ring when I was 15 & I don't think i've watched another scary film since.. i'm a BIG wuss!
What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you?
My Nonna always told me "Making things recharges the soul" & I couldn't agree more!
What's your favourite tunes to get you in the creative mood?
I think that changes every day & depends on my mood. Some of my favourites are: Bonobo, The Babe Rainbow, 30/70, Sampa The Great, Florence & The Machine.
What do you love most about the EPM/LB?
EVERYTHING!! I love getting to meet all our gorgeous customers, connecting with fellow stallholders & all the market crew. Plus enjoying all the yummy food we eat all day under the stringy bark trees & ducking out from my stall to find treasures from other makers!!
Where do you see your business in the next 5 years?
I'd love to think i'll be doing markets forever! I'd also love to have a little shop & workshop space where I can create my pieces, display, sell & run workshops from. It's been a dream of mine ever since I was little... one day soon it will happen :)